Genalogical and heraldical research
in Austria
Hans Pawlik
As Austrian Genealogist and Heraldist,
who conducts family - and heraldic research on request as self-employed freelancer,
familien- und wappenkundliche Forschungen
let me briefly introduce my occupation.
born 1961, married 1999, living in Vienna and Klagenfurt, Carinthia.
special focus: Nobility in Carinthia (Adel in Kaernten)
Numerous publications, among which more than 100 articles in the genealogical reference book "Gotha" (Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, since 2015 Gothaische Genealogische Handbuch); exemplary in Carinthia: »Orsini-Rosenberg. Geschichte und Genealogie des fuerstlichen und graeflichen Hauses« (Orsini Rosenberg. History and Genealogy of the baronial and comital House). Current key activities: Finalizing a comprehensive genealogical and heraldical work on Carinthian nobility, the representative reference book on the genealogy of all Carinthian noble families, including historical, genealogical and heraldical expositions. (title: „H. Pawlik`s Ehrenspiegel Kaerntens", "H. Pawlik`s grosse und allgemeine Bausteine zur Genealogie und Heraldik ehemals landesrechtlich bevorzugter oder hervorragender Haeuser Kaerntens“)
More than 36 years of experience in genealogical and heraldical research in archives.
Given my profound research experience in the relevant archives, a computerized compilation of data, specialized genealogical library etc., I am able to process your enquiries faster and consequently cheaper, since I know where to look. Your free time is precious!
On your behalf, I conduct research concerning personal ancestry, nobilitations, acts of clemency, investigations on heritage and property, business, house and farm stories, inquiries on coats of arms, transcriptions of old German writings, literature inquiries, etc. in all of Austria and the southern contiguous regions.
The results of my research comprise transcripts, photos, copies on paper, all encountered original documents, including exact lists of references, explanations, etc., i.e. everything is easily comprehensible. All data will be recorded electronically (genealogical assemblies: family trees, lists of ancestry (Ahnenlisten), etc.). In case of occasions such as marriage, birthday or anniversary, the results can be bound to a book and turned into an exclusive gift.
Of course, my research will only be comprising detailed data and results up until some certain generation.
Please direct your inquiry including as much information as possible on your current knowledge (name, first name, point of origin, chronological data, profession, religion, copies of birth-, wedding-,death certificates, proofs of ancestry, etc.) and your objectives to one of my adresses.
After receipt of your documents, I will propose my fee. The costs do not depend on generations or number of ancestors, but on the expected research effort!
Hans Pawlik.